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Dr Pranit Mankare

Cosmetic Surgery

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Cosmetic Surgery-

  • Age reduction surgery – Face lift, Blepharoplasty
  • Dermabrasion / laserabrasion for post smallpox scarring and Post acne scarring
  • Removal of mole/nevus and scars from face
  • Buccal fat removal
  • Dimple Formation

What is cosmetic surgery?

Introduction :

Cosmetic surgery is a type of plastic surgery that aims to improve appearance. Cosmetic surgery can be performed by plastic surgeons on all parts of the body. The procedure will widely depend on the outcome you desire and there are dozens of cosmetic surgery techniques for this. You might opt for cosmetic surgery to get rid of your wrinkles and look younger. Or perhaps you want to take a lift in an area of your body or change its size.

You may like to have cosmetic surgery as a way of feeling better about yourself. It increases the confidence and self-esteem levels. 

Face Lift (Rhytidectomy):

Facelift (rhytidectomy) — A facelift is a type of surgery that can improve the visible effects of ageing in your face and neck, including repositioning or removing fat, skin and muscle. A facelift can address the following signs of ageing:

Sagging skin on the face

Profound facial folds or smile lines deep from the side of your nose down to corner of mouth.

Drooping or depleted facial fat

Cheeks and/or jowls that sag

Loss of skin and fat in your neck that makes you look like a “double chin”.

Because facelifts are a cosmetic restoration, they do not alter your looks or freeze the hands of time. They also cannot smooth superficial wrinkles or treat sun damage and skin colour changes. As our faces are individual target outcomes will be at least a bit different, or you’re not going to get the look that was in your mind.


Types of Facelifts:

Facelift surgeries also have multiple types according to the site of face and neck it is being made on. 

Some of the types include; 

Standard facelift procedure: The standard explanation of a facelift is an excision or cutting in front of your ears, above and through the hairline under you chin. During surgery, all the supporting tissues under your skin are lifted and tightened through incisions in front of and behind your ears. The surgeon also trimmed any excess fat in the neck and jowls as required. After this, the skin is replaced naturally over your face and any extra is removed by the surgeon. It is a commonly recommended procedure for individuals desiring the best improvement in moderate to severe facial ageing.

SMAS facelift (SMAS rhytidectomy): addresses the lower two-thirds of your face.abs The surgeon tightens (lifts) the muscle and removes excess skin, removing fat from your cheeks and lower face. A SMAS facelift is a type of full facelift.

Deep plane facelift: Similarly, in a deep plane procedure the surgeons not only lift skin but also your SMAS (muscle layer of the face) and fat as a single unit. Deep plane lifts are designed to lift your face in multiple regions simultaneously.

Mid-facelift: Mid-face lift is a surgical way of targeting the middle cheek area of your face. The surgeon gently moves fat from the cheek area to another place and then tightens your cheeks as well.

Mini-facelift: Surgeons usually perform mini facelifts to lift your lower face and neck. This is a shorter; less invasive surgery than other facelift surgeries. For patients who are younger, and displaying the initial signs of facial sagging — mini-facelifts are usually recommended by surgeons.

Cutaneous (skin) facelift – These types of lift involve your skin and often target the neck and lower face.


What is blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is an excellent way to correct the puffy eyes and drooping eyelids. This is a procedure that removes excess skin from the upper eyelids and reduces the bagginess of your lower lids. With ageing, your skin starts losing elasticity. Over time, due in part to a lack of the necessary elasticity and the constant tug-of-war with gravity, you may see redundant skin accumulating up top as well as down below your eyelids. The surgery may include the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both.

This generally involves the removal of excess skin, muscle and sometimes underlying fatty tissue. But in some cases, they transform tissues as well. Although mostly a cosmetic procedure, blepharoplasty can also provide functional improvement for those with loose and sagging upper eyelids which disrupt their visual field.

As for blepharoplasty, it will not remove crow´s feet or other facial wrinkles and also doesn´t eliminate the dark circles under your eyes. Aesthetic procedures, including surgery and nonsurgical means to reposition fat, fill the hollows beneath your eyes or lift up droopy cheeks can also help dark circles. Blepharoplasty can be done at the same time as other facial surgery procedures such as a laser resurfacing or browlift.


What is dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion/Skin Planing (Surgical), in which a plastic surgeon will utilize an instrument called plans to “sand” the skin. This abrading or planing action levels the skin surface and removes up to 2 dozen cell layers, revealing healthy/undamaged underlying cells.

If you have issues with uneven skin texture, dermabrasion can help. The problems like sun-damage fine wrinkles, melasma (pigmentations), and acne scars always find refuge in this wonderful treatment. However, you need to be aware of the rewards and the risks so that you can decide if dermabrasion is right for your needs.

What is mole removal?

A mole excision is when your doctor shaves off or cuts out a mole from the surface of your skin. A Plastic surgeon is a doctor who has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the skin. The test is usually an outpatient procedure that can be performed on your doctor’s visit to see whether a mole might be skin cancer. People do have moles removed for cosmetic purposes as well.

What is a mole?

The moles appear to be dissimilar from normal skin —they might present in children or young adults and they can have a pink, brown color but some of them are dark like melanoma. The moles of people with darker hair or skin more often are a color darker than their surrounding skin, whereas people who tend to have blonde or red hair and fair flesh get moles that are the same shade as theirs. Moles can stick out slightly from the surface of your skin. In medical speak, you may hear your mole referred to as a nevus (nee-vis) — or if there are several moles present on the skin at once, they may be called nevi.

Most adults have between 10 and 40 moles. Other moles form and grow slowly, increasing their size over time or they may become lighter in color until a point where they are no longer visible. The vast majority are benign, but any mole that looks concerning to you—whether it’s become darker or changed shape over time, started to itch or bleed—or if a new one suddenly shows up, needs looking at by your healthcare provider.

At times, moles are skin cancers or pre-cancerous. You notice changes in your mole (i.e., it has changed shape, grown bigger, become itchy or bleeds)

Why is mole removal done?

Mole removal treats unusual moles on any of your face, neck arms legs and torso. Your health care provider may suggest that an atypical mole be removed in order to test (biopsy) the growth for signs of cancer or precancer. If a mole is removed by your plastic surgeon and they get it with clear edges (the “margins,” or the area around the mole), this may represent curative treatment for skin cancer that has not spread.

What is buccal fat removal?

Buccal fat is the youthful plumping tissue located between your cheekbones and jawbones, which has a role in shaping one portion of how the unfinished shape of our face will look. Oral fat is a universal abnormality, but the volume varies between individuals.

Buccal fat removal surgery is a cosmetic plastic surgery. up This is a personal choice and you should consult with your Plastic surgeon should only be done for YOURSELF and because YOU want it… not to please someone else. The potential benefits and downsides of plastic surgery should also be considered.

Dimple plastic surgery:

Dimple plastic surgery is a type of cosmetic operation that creates dimples. People with dimples are the ones naturally born (or some believe that way) and most who want this procedure, it is for an appearance reason. Dimples may be more attractive, as some people consider that they give a cute or young look to the face.

To most societies, dimples are also a considered facet of beauty. As dimples are considered attractive, there is an increase in the trend of cosmetic surgery for making artificial dimples.

Dimpleplasty is a relatively immediate and very safe procedure. The vast majority of people who have dimple surgery are happy with their results. When performed by a skilled provider, side effects from dimple surgery are minimal. Side effects, when they happen are generally mild.

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